Thursday, July 22, 2010

Can you ever get rid of pain

As I sit here I think to myself  what can I do to get rid of the emotional pain that people in my life have cause. I don't think anyone can ever  really get rid of the pain much less forget. All we can is just forgive and move on with life. My view is if someone cause you pain just forgive them and allow that pain to make you a stronger person. There is someone out in this world for everyone no  matter if you are able body or if you are disability. I think so many people are focus on appearance when they need to  be focus on the inner person. If  someone can't see you for the person that you are then honestly they don't deserve to be in your life period,   


Travis Daniels said...

Your words are simply awesome. As someone who has had a ton o painful experiences, in life and love, I can definitely relate and I can understand what you mean. I loved every word of it!

Terry B said...

Loved it Liz and its so true.Pain is inevitable,suffering is optional.Were going to get hurt in life,we can just suffer and let it get to us,or move on and become stronger.