Sunday, December 12, 2010

Second Thoughts

In your life time you go through so much. There are times that people you know even people in your family tell you that you need to let go of some people in your life. You are the only that can make the call for yourself. Its your life your are free to mess up because that is how lessons are learn. One most important thing that I have learn is when you have a long relationship with someone they are not that easy to forget about. It all depends how close you get to that person. If you let that person know your really dark secrets you will always feel a connection with that person.

It make it hard to get over that person if you see that peson almost everyday. So at this point am single and just let all this play out the way God wants to because I am not a type of person to froce anyone to be with me.Only God knows who is right for me. I just have to sit back and let God lead me down the path he has set before me

Friday, December 10, 2010

This year

This year is coming to an end. I can't help but to sit here and look back on everything I been throught this whole year. School has been going okay. A year relationship coming to end. My father is not around.
and just alot of emotions break downs.
Most people tell me to let all the pain go but it's not that easy.
Everything that I been though has affect me in both a good and bad way.
If I told half the things that I been through you wouldn't believe it.

Most of time i just hide my pain because I know that is never really going to away.
For those who I been open with know what am talking about.
Now I am not writing this so people can start feeling sorry I  am writing this to show that no matter what am put throught I will always mange to still keep on to reach my dream.

Love in my eye sight

Love is that emotion that when you have it for someone it is not easy to let go of.
When you date someone for a long period of time those happy memories are not easy forgotten.
No one person is going to love like anyone from your past did but, you have to decide what is right for you.
You should never move on to another relationship if you still have any sort of feelings for the person that you were just with.

If you go throught a heart break give yourself time to heal.
You can never give anyone yourself completely to any one  unless you are sure that there is no romactic feeling between you and any one form your past.

Don't rush love,it will come your way when the time is right.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fighting Diseases

In the 21st century with the advent of the refrigeration system and proper medical care many of us ordinary citizens here in the U.S and other countries have sought to rid the world especially South Africa of the Human Introvernal Virus along with other top viral contenders including Malaria, Ebola and others. In the Introduction from the book Rx for Survival by Hilts the author describes the grizzly and highly disturbing effects of some of the top viruses of our time, how the viruses got to be so potent and their effects on human society. One thing a hilt does not mention is a possible cost efficient solution IE it doesn’t cost much in the way of global economy or human cost. To this end I intend to find a solution to the AIDS/HIV Epidemic. My solution consists of three parts. Automation, global media support, education in the form of health classes especially sex Ed.

In order to understand how to implement this three part plan we must first understand the origins of the Human Introvernal Virus. According to a statement by a World Health Organization in the book The Invisible Cure by Helen Epstein “the origins of the AIDS virus is of no importance to scientists today.” And I firmly believe that in order to find a cure we must first discover where the Human Introvernal Virus originated from, whether it is from apes in Africa or a remote African town. In the process of discovering the viral origins we can in turn discover how to better live with this virus or attempt to eradicate it

Next in order to understand the scope of the Human Intovernal Virus and how that could impact the economics of implementing this radical idea. In order to do that here are some statistics from Look at Brazil by Tina Rosenberg, “One in five adults are infected with HIV” and “a 15 year old has a better than even chance of dying of AIDS” as you can see we need to implement a radical yet relatively cheap solution to the Human Introvernal Virus epidemic because currently in S Africa the only real solution is the promotion of condoms and some degree of sex ed but as you can see this solution is just not doing enough.

Earlier I mentioned 3 parts to my solution the first part is automation of the pharmaceutical industry- that is king and operating machines that produce medicine cheaply and more effectively. In short my definition of automation is the use and operation of machines- specifically robots to perform the same tasks that a human can do but faster cheaper and more effectively. I believe that this notion of automation should be spread beyond the ethereal bounds of the automotive industry and used to mass produce medicines because so many people don’t have access to proper medical care.

The next phase of my plan and possibly the most costly is getting media coverage of the proper way to treat the Human Intovernal Virus. It is well known that with the emergence of technology enhancing our social capabilities such as Facebook, and MySpace and with the emergence of Smartphone’s that it is getting easier to talk and operate remote media especially when not in the home setting. I believe that this type f media Smartphone’s and Satellite TV should be extended to the people of South Africa Smartphone’s plans and TV packages should be made cheap enough so that even the people of Africa can watch TV this way the health officials can get medical awareness and safety precautions out to those who need it.

The final stage in this three part solution educating the masses is currently already happening so as you can tell this is the least most expensive part of my plan. I already noted from Look at Brazil about the AIDS statistics yet here is more compelling evidence regarding the school situation “ It has Robbed schools of their teachers and hospitals of their doctors and nurses. What I believe needs to be done is that we need to utilize the internet and remote viewing technology to deliver virtual teachers in place of real teachers that way you reduce fatalities while still increasing and thus combating the AIDS epidemic.

In looking at this radical solution I realize that such an ideas does not come without ridicule and criticism in regards to the idea of automation business executives probably wouldn’t endorse this idea primarily because of the initial costs associated with implementing robots primarily because the technology is still in its infancy. My rebuttal to this is simple if the business executives can afford luxury items such as yachts mansions and big parties then they can afford to help fight off the AIDS epidemic.

In regards to the idea of global media support the problem again has to do with money but this time in the form of profits. Making the cable/satellite and Smartphone plans dirt cheap would cut into business profits and thus neither Sprint, Verizon or any of the other big name media suppliers would endorse the idea. My argument thus would be that if the major wireless providers and TV providers would care less about getting enough money and care more about the needs of those who can’t provide for themselves then the epidemic would be easier to combat.

The last phase of this plan has its own criticism and it is this most people would agree that education is important however video conference technology is only available on a few platforms and thus can’t be mass produced as easily as most other technology so my argument is this , the problem that lies here is with politicians not choosing to endorse and supplement the emerging technology to help those who can’t help themselves if the politicians and lobbyists would stop caring about themselves and more about the people who can’t even afford to care for themselves then the AIDS epidemic would already have been dealt with

In my lifetime I have witnessed the rise of cell phone technology the emergence of robotics and the furthering of education but nothing on the scale magnitude and severity of the Human Introvernal Virus. To combat such a formidable predator requires patience dedication and the willpower of nations and the people within those nations. This is a problem that is not impossible but just a difficult challenge that we all must face if we are to save the world of the most horrendous virus in our lifetime.