Elizabeth is such a great person that has been through alot. She deserves the best in the future and out of life. She's sweet, friendly and outgoing. She tries her best and never quits. We all Love her for many reasons that words can't explain!!! Written by Julie(one of your sisters that truly cares and knows you well) Love you!!!!!
What you been up to? We did it we're finally getting hell hole. Well take care of yourself. Hope we see each other after high school - Omar
Be the best at what ever you do ,don't just try achieve greatness & be remembered like a sister to me call & I'll be there. -Awar Limon
Hey sis,What it do it's your boy Vince well we made it we are going to graduate and be on our way to start our lives well I'am glad I meet you and I love you - vince
What's good Lizzy, It has been knowing you and I hope you are sucessful in life. I would never forget when I saw you perform on t.v, in Ms. Dron's class. It was one of the best that I have ever seen Stay cool and sweet with your awsome personality-Sean Cook
Lizzy sweety, I love you more than words can describe your the best friend I could have and I'm going to miss you -Dylan
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Because you're a beautiful person,I wanted to send something beautiful to you.Because you always fill my world with laughter and happiness,I wanted to send something bright to you. Because our friendship is true,I wanted to send some pink roses to you. It's not much,but I hope this greeting will do.In my own special way,I just wanted to let you know that you're in my thoughts today,and I'm sending some good wishes your way.
I can't tell a soul I love you By Ebrima
I can't tell a soul I love you though my heart begs me to. Every romantic song reminds me of you, and every time I see a happy couple I wish they were you and me. Sometimes I write your name and stare at it wistfully as I imagine how great our lives together would be...but I can't tell a soul I love you.I can't even tell you.I wrote a poem about you,trying to express the depth of my emotion,hoping to make you understand the breadth of my devotion,but the words were not enough.I couldn't explain how strongly I feel about you;I couldn't describe the volatile mix of joy and pain,because I can't tell a soul I love you.Sometimes I feel like my need to see you is consuming me inside,and sometimes when I think about you I tremble...my love for you is never easy to hide.I called my best friend to explain how much I love you...but the words stalled on my tongue,and again, I had to pretend...because I can't tell a soul I love you.I sat on the beach and drew a heart in the sand while I thought about you.I imagined the joy of being with you,of simply holding your hand.I wanted to find you;I wanted to tell you how much I love you,and that I would always love you no matter what you do. As the tide dashed in to steal the heart.
Friday, November 28, 2008
"The clock of life"
The clock of life is wound but once,
And no man has the power
To tell when the hands will stop,
At late or early hours.
Now is the only time you own;
Live, love, work with a will.
Place no faith in tommrow;
The clock may then be still.
And no man has the power
To tell when the hands will stop,
At late or early hours.
Now is the only time you own;
Live, love, work with a will.
Place no faith in tommrow;
The clock may then be still.
My Disablilty
This blog is for my readers that want to know a little bit more about my disablity Cerebral Palsy.There are different types of Cerebral Palsy my is known as Spastic Cerebral Palsy.Quadriplegia or tetraplegia is involvement of both arms and both legs, generally worse in the legs than in the arms
Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Spastic cerebral palsy is by far the most common and is present in approximately 75 percent of all children with cerebral palsy. Spasticity is described as a velocity-dependent resistance to passive movement. This means that the faster you pull against a muscle, the harder it resists or pulls back. Spastic cerebral palsy is divided into diplegic, hemiplegic and quadriplegic/tetraplegic types. Diplegia shows an involvement of legs more than the arms and is the most common type of cerebral palsy. Many times the arms do not seem involved but exhibit at least small deficits in function. Hemiplegia is involvement of the arm and leg on the same side. Classically the arm is more involved but sometimes they seem equally involved. Quadriplegia or tetraplegia is involvement of both arms and both legs, generally worse in the legs than in the arms. In spastic cerebral palsy there are generally signs of upper motor-neuron involvement with increased muscle reflexes, upgoing toes and persistence of primitive reflexes such as the Moro response
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Fight
The heart wants to love
yet we hate
The heart wants to understand
yet we are confused
The heart wants equality
yet we try to dominate one another
The heart wants peace
yet we fight
The heart wants to give
yet we are greedy
The heart wants to help
yet we destroy
The heart wants to care
yet we are insensitive
The heart wants to fight
yet we fell
If only the heart was a little stronger
it could and would be successful
yet we hate
The heart wants to understand
yet we are confused
The heart wants equality
yet we try to dominate one another
The heart wants peace
yet we fight
The heart wants to give
yet we are greedy
The heart wants to help
yet we destroy
The heart wants to care
yet we are insensitive
The heart wants to fight
yet we fell
If only the heart was a little stronger
it could and would be successful
Domestic Violence
Unfortunately, domestic violence is common in teen relationship. It is estimated that 25% of women and 8% of men in the United States have been physically and or sexually abused by intimate partner at some point in their adult lives. The abuser uses fear and intimidation to gain power and control over the other person. It stats with jealousy or possessiveness.
After the relationship becomes more serious, the abuser may begin making threats, name- calling and slamming doors or breaking dishes. 85% of domestic violence victims are women. People who witness domestic violence when they are children are at high risk for being in a relationship as adults. A major health problem that affects the victims of domestic volence is post-traumatic stress disorder. Women are also at high risk for sexually transmitted diseases.
Women who experience domestic violence and more likely to smoke or abuse alcohol. If you are a victim take steps to decrease your risk of injury, such as memorizing phone numbers you can in an emergency and teaching your children not to get in the middle of a fight. It is also very common for the women to blame herself. Some sings of domestic violence are your panter making all the making all the decisions in the relationship. Domestic volence is not good thing so don't put yourself in a relationship that you know is not going to work.
After the relationship becomes more serious, the abuser may begin making threats, name- calling and slamming doors or breaking dishes. 85% of domestic violence victims are women. People who witness domestic violence when they are children are at high risk for being in a relationship as adults. A major health problem that affects the victims of domestic volence is post-traumatic stress disorder. Women are also at high risk for sexually transmitted diseases.
Women who experience domestic violence and more likely to smoke or abuse alcohol. If you are a victim take steps to decrease your risk of injury, such as memorizing phone numbers you can in an emergency and teaching your children not to get in the middle of a fight. It is also very common for the women to blame herself. Some sings of domestic violence are your panter making all the making all the decisions in the relationship. Domestic volence is not good thing so don't put yourself in a relationship that you know is not going to work.
Matthew 7 chapter 1 verse state "Judge not they ye but not judged." Many people are judged because of their ethnicthy, sexuallity, religion and physical apperance.
People have been criticize for thier ethnicity since the begin of time. Slavery is a prime example of people being criticize for the color of their color of their skin. African Americans such as Fredrick Douglas and Harriet Tubman decided to stand up for what they believe was right. Fredrick Douglas who was a lecture for the Massachusetts Ant-Slavery Society. He published his own newspaper, "The North Star." Harriet Tubman led the Underground Railroad. Both of them decide to stand up for what they believe was right. If they have not done so people of color wouldn't have a voice. Even today with a voice minorities are judge by their skin and their dialect. Which sometimes leds to racial profiling.
I know people who are judge just because they are attracted to the same sex. Some of them are looked at differently by their own family members because of their lifestyle. People who choose this lifestyle are not generally accepted by society. Often they are victims of violent hate crimes. An ethical stand point is people have a right to express themselves.
Another issue that surrounds the topic of judgement is religon. Many people have been judge by their religion.Even if they are Christians, Catholic, Jewish or Muslims. This is why we have Holy Wars, The Holocaust and a violation of a culture in the name of Christianity who were as the Navtive Americans An ethical stand point of view is that we can choose their own religon. an unethical stand point is religion should not be force upon you.
The main reason we are criticize is by our physical appearances I have been looked at differently because of my physical appearance. My family and friends believe I won't make it because of my inability to walk. No one should be criticize for any reason because everyone is someone important in this world.
"No matter big or small, short or tall, white black, Jewish or Christian the impotant thing to remember we are all unique individuals and the judgemental people are the ones who fail to realize it."
People have been criticize for thier ethnicity since the begin of time. Slavery is a prime example of people being criticize for the color of their color of their skin. African Americans such as Fredrick Douglas and Harriet Tubman decided to stand up for what they believe was right. Fredrick Douglas who was a lecture for the Massachusetts Ant-Slavery Society. He published his own newspaper, "The North Star." Harriet Tubman led the Underground Railroad. Both of them decide to stand up for what they believe was right. If they have not done so people of color wouldn't have a voice. Even today with a voice minorities are judge by their skin and their dialect. Which sometimes leds to racial profiling.
I know people who are judge just because they are attracted to the same sex. Some of them are looked at differently by their own family members because of their lifestyle. People who choose this lifestyle are not generally accepted by society. Often they are victims of violent hate crimes. An ethical stand point is people have a right to express themselves.
Another issue that surrounds the topic of judgement is religon. Many people have been judge by their religion.Even if they are Christians, Catholic, Jewish or Muslims. This is why we have Holy Wars, The Holocaust and a violation of a culture in the name of Christianity who were as the Navtive Americans An ethical stand point of view is that we can choose their own religon. an unethical stand point is religion should not be force upon you.
The main reason we are criticize is by our physical appearances I have been looked at differently because of my physical appearance. My family and friends believe I won't make it because of my inability to walk. No one should be criticize for any reason because everyone is someone important in this world.
"No matter big or small, short or tall, white black, Jewish or Christian the impotant thing to remember we are all unique individuals and the judgemental people are the ones who fail to realize it."
I often wonderen if there is people who will look pass my disability? I have been talking to two wonderful people who have look pass my physical features and got to know as a person. i have open myself up to both of them. I Know that my feelings for one of them is deep and strong and this person knows it. I feel like all of this is just a dream. I know he was sent into my life for a reson I don't know what the reason is. It might be for a good or a not so good reason. Only time well tell. The only thing I can do is keep the faith and hope for the best. Am glad that I had the honor of meeting them.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
My Task By Maude Louise Ray
To love someone more dearly everyday,
To help a wondering child find his way,
To ponder o'er a noble thought,and prayer,
And smile when evening falls.
This is my task.
To follow truth as a blind men long fo light,
To do my best from dawn of day til night,
To keep my heart fit for His holy sight,
And answer when He call.
This is my task.
To help a wondering child find his way,
To ponder o'er a noble thought,and prayer,
And smile when evening falls.
This is my task.
To follow truth as a blind men long fo light,
To do my best from dawn of day til night,
To keep my heart fit for His holy sight,
And answer when He call.
This is my task.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thoughts for the Holidays by Scotty

If you lost somebody this year you asked yourself "why me?", "why did he or she passed away?", "what should i do now?", where do I go from here. you may think it's not ok to enjoy the holidays but it really is. Enjoying the holidays doesn't mean you forgot about them or that you love them any less. I know this because this holiday season is going to be hard for me because this is the first holiday season without my grand mother. My grand mother passed away Friday June 20, 2008. Now since my grandmother passed away my life feels empty. I hope everyone has a great and a safe holiday season. RIP MOM WEDNESDAY APRIL 14, 1999. .RIP NANA FRIDAY JUNE 20, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Our Relations By Sixous

The relation is the situation reeled in the bait of lust and infatuation amiration lustation series of dictation, sensation , developing, over durations......probation...commununication.. temption my equal Im thinking it's my destination... I'm hoping without any deliberation with guidece from God's will, the hevenly creator of creation of my life long partner laying the foundation..... But is it just a blot.. Certainly i hope not another cost just to lay my head must you forget we live and we rot though we live to betget not the soul is matched with clot in completion of my journey of lifes. Through the incubation of time and tribulations only the relation let be for real datings endure frustrations.. The battle the will to survive and seek holes to hide .. buy in or be gone with the wind doubting you helplessly yee of lil faith are you.... am i your friend. What a trend strong I be for I seek froever the rubekness of what thy week laughing to the heat that makes you beat.. Doubt attract doubters friends off cowards your done while negative energy sends energy to other negative followers.. Follower I say For He bleaches the paved the negative charges to a decay they leave to the weak for it was and has been written.. and the unbelievers that torch in disbelief. Clean without liquor or dope as I be prue as it is.. It's not the Wiz nothing fale it grows as a kids I before Him knowing a sinner from the beginner the ability of patience is a skill that even tortos came as a winner. The more one leans the demands of a man in relations to the walk through of the burning sands forgiveness comes from those who matter.. no matter what that come my way my lifes in HIS brain matter. Turth be told to have is to hold if I am to release all strains for the sake of argument of no hope and defaet i'd rather release it towards the good o perservirence of Gloy if able at GOD'S feet. I'll change for my Father for he does not hold me any higher demands of seek change until HE gives His hand.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
A dream come true
I have meet someone who is wonderful towards me this person always makes me feel so special I feel like there a reason from this person being in my life. I see this is as blessing thanks to him my out look on life has grown before now my out look on life was small but thanks to him and other people having more faith in me now I feel like the sky is the limit for me
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Some one who has faith in me

This is what a worker of my high school wrote about me
My friend - Elizabeth
I wanted to share a link to the Blog of a young lady who just graduated from the school where I work in Houston. Elizabeth has amazing drive (besides the e-chair). Nothing seems to slow her down, and she always wants to help someone and give them encouraging words. She has received great support for college and wants to study Journalism.
If you want to stop by her site and comment on her poetry, I believe it would be an encouragement to her. Your affirmations and input would mean a great deal to her. One of her favorite sites is Disaboom.com
My friend - Elizabeth
I wanted to share a link to the Blog of a young lady who just graduated from the school where I work in Houston. Elizabeth has amazing drive (besides the e-chair). Nothing seems to slow her down, and she always wants to help someone and give them encouraging words. She has received great support for college and wants to study Journalism.
If you want to stop by her site and comment on her poetry, I believe it would be an encouragement to her. Your affirmations and input would mean a great deal to her. One of her favorite sites is Disaboom.com
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wonderful people

this one goes to all the wonderful people i meet online i just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for giving helpful advice Now i don't feel so alone in this cold world because i know that am always going to have someone to talk to. they know exactly what am going through i'll always be there for them just like they have been there for me
my pain
i feel so much pain am trying my so hard to get over my ex michael but its hard People told me that i was to good to him after everything he put me throught but that's just the type of person i am. When he told me that he wanted to date another girl i just felt like somebody took a knife and stab me in the heart I guess that how you know that you really love someone when you try to move on to someone new but your heart won't let you
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
"What I would do if I saw a child being verbally abuse"
If I saw a mother being verbally abusive to her three-year old, I would offer some help in the from of counseling for both her and the child. I would offer, to accompany them to the counseling seesion. If the mother declined my offer I would attempt a different approach.My approach would be to become friends with her to see if I could be of any help to her. If she it willing to open up to me and tell her about her childhood, that might give some insight on some possible causes of the abuse.After she is done telling me about her childhood, I would then offer my thoughts on what might be cauing her to be absive towards her child.Then I would like to get some more insight on how the child about being verbrally abused and I would try to find out what the three-year old child believes the reason for the morther being abusive is. I would let her know that if the abuse continues it would result in her child acting out and seeing if he or she receives the love and affection that is not being given or the child may feel hate towards her as the years coontines. I would also advise the monther to find her child a postive role modle ouside the family. I would ask the mother to please keep me updated on the situation.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Me after high school
i know all my readers have been waiting for a new post. i have been busy with college which is going well. at the moment my major is undecided am just taking my basics. i have meet some amazing people who i have become real good friend with. i also have upper classmate looking up to me. there are times that i feel like giving up but then i remind myself of my purpose for going to college. that propose it to prove to the people that say that i was never going to become nothing that i will become something my teachers have told me that i have a gift as a writer and that is good to know because one of my life time goals is to write a book on the struggles that people like myself face on a daily base so that people who are not disable can learn not to take any of there abilities for grantee.
Friday, August 22, 2008
In loving memory of those who have gone home to gloy

Losing someone is never easy. People often say that with time it will get easier but It never easy when you lose someone who has been your light in times of darkness. I have lost some important people in my life. I have lost them to everything that you can image from sickness to gangs. When ever I lose anybody in any way I feel like a part of me has die. I often look into the sky hopping and praying that some day that things be better. All I can do now is their memories alive
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008
An old preacher was dying. He sent a message for his IRS agent and his lawyer, both church members, to come to his home. When they arrived, they were ushered up to his bedroom. As they entered the room, the preacher held out his hands and motioned for them to sit on each side of the bed. The preacher grasped their hands, sighed contentedly, smiled and stared at the ceiling. For a time, no one said anything. Both the IRS agent and the attorney were touched and flattered that the old preacher would ask them to be with him during his final moment. They were also puzzled because the preacher had never given any indication that he particularly liked either one of them.Finally, the lawyer asked, "Preacher, why did you ask the two of us to come?"The old preacher mustered up some strength, then said weakly, "Jesus died between two thieves, and that's how I want to go, too."
"Playing Golf with God"
Three men were playing golf. The course was a wicked dogleg with a large water hazard.The first man stepped up to the tee and hit a sharp slice into the water hazard. He walked up to the water; it parted and he lofted his ball within one foot of the hole.The next man steped up and hit the ball. Sure enough, he sliced it so that it landed on top of the water. He walked across the surface of the water and and hit the ball within six inches of the hole.The third man stepped up, hit the ball, and sliced it. The ball was just about to land in the water when a trout jumped out of the water and grabbed it in his mouth. An eagle swooped down, scooped up the fish, and flew off. As the eagle banked over the green, lightning struck it, it dropped the fish, the fish dropped the ball, and it landed in the hole for a hole in one.Moses turned to Jesus and said, "I really hate playing golf with your Dad."
"Playing Golf with God"
Three men were playing golf. The course was a wicked dogleg with a large water hazard.The first man stepped up to the tee and hit a sharp slice into the water hazard. He walked up to the water; it parted and he lofted his ball within one foot of the hole.The next man steped up and hit the ball. Sure enough, he sliced it so that it landed on top of the water. He walked across the surface of the water and and hit the ball within six inches of the hole.The third man stepped up, hit the ball, and sliced it. The ball was just about to land in the water when a trout jumped out of the water and grabbed it in his mouth. An eagle swooped down, scooped up the fish, and flew off. As the eagle banked over the green, lightning struck it, it dropped the fish, the fish dropped the ball, and it landed in the hole for a hole in one.Moses turned to Jesus and said, "I really hate playing golf with your Dad."
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Daily Christian Wisdom
Just remember, man gives the award. But God gives the reward."
The strongest antidote for hopelessness is to find a way to give back...-Susan Saradon
Perfection, in a Christian sense, means becoming mature enough to give ourselves to others.
-Kathleen Norris
The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.-Gen. Norman Schwarzkoff
I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.-Laura Ingalls Wilder
It is necessary for us to suffer patiently the dark night of sorrow and death, if we are to enter the brilliant new light of Easter...
The world steps aside to let any man pass if he knows where he is going.-David S. Jordan
Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you cannot bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond that pain. --Kahlil Gibran
The strongest antidote for hopelessness is to find a way to give back...-Susan Saradon
Perfection, in a Christian sense, means becoming mature enough to give ourselves to others.
-Kathleen Norris
The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.-Gen. Norman Schwarzkoff
I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.-Laura Ingalls Wilder
It is necessary for us to suffer patiently the dark night of sorrow and death, if we are to enter the brilliant new light of Easter...
The world steps aside to let any man pass if he knows where he is going.-David S. Jordan
Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you cannot bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond that pain. --Kahlil Gibran
Saturday, June 7, 2008
the way i feel

people that know me seem to believe that my life is grate. Every time they see me or speak to me i always seem happy and smiling but one thing that i know is that a person might seem one way on the outside but nobody knows the way that person truly feels on the inside. I might seem happy on the outside but on the inside is a different story. I feel like an outside in my own family. It seem like I'm just messing up everybody life.
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Don't remember how it happened,Can't remember when.Somehow you went from being my email buddy,And became my best friend,I know that we belong to others;I'm not the type to cheat.So why when I read your words,Does my heart skip a beat?So here I am, unsure of what to do;The only feeling I am sure of, is my love for you.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Led By God

Led by God, I strive to live As though any Christian did. A life that was clean and just A life like all believers must. It's hard to say that all I doI do for the Glory of God's Truth. I try and try, but I have to accept. that I can never be made perfect. So glad am I that from this place. I will leave and live in Grace. Love was poured out in His Bloodfrom the Anointed of the Heavenly Dove. Because of this, I do have hopeI'll walk the streets of gold. Eternal Life has been given me. I will eat of the life-giving tree. After all that I have been through,One thing, I know, is true. That because God's Love will never ceaseIn Him, I have found my peace. So led by God, I will strive to live.
Nothing Compares To You
I'm sitting here filled with wonder At the amazing things you do How the waters stay in the oceans And the vast beauty of the view How the stars are hung in the skyWithin them is written your word How we are the following sheep And you are the only Shepherd How the sky is painted with color Bursts of orange in the sunset glow How much knowledge it took to make And how little us humans know How intricately you planned it There was nothing you left unthoughtFrom the delicacy of a baby To all the sins of ours you bought There's no other love that's out there As deep and as faithful and true No other comfort to be found Because nothing compares to you Nothing compares to your miracles Or the listening time you spend How you always take good care of us And our broken hearts that you mend To us, our problems like mountains To you, they're no problem at all You're ever so watchful and there To help catch us, when we do fall I'm just sitting here filled with wonder At the awesome things that you do At being our Lord and Savior Because nothing compares to You!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
My thoughts
Monday, March 3, 2008
I don’t know why, but my love for him has not left my heart. The harder I try to love someone the way I loved him, My heart has made clear to me that I shouldn’t let any one to take his place in my heart. I often wonder why did he pull himself away from me? Memories of us keep playing in my head.
I don’t know what it is about his voice that relaxes me. When we had someone new in our lives I couldn’t help but wonder if he was truly happy without me in his life. Since he didn’t tell me why he didn’t why he was leaving me I couldn’t help but wonder for two years. During these two year I thought I could forget all about him. I don’t know how he found me but, he did.
When I heard his voice after two year all of the memories of the good times we had come back to me. Now we have started to talk to each other again. My heart is telling me to give him another chance but my mind is telling me not to give him another chance.
“ What should I do?”
I don’t know what it is about his voice that relaxes me. When we had someone new in our lives I couldn’t help but wonder if he was truly happy without me in his life. Since he didn’t tell me why he didn’t why he was leaving me I couldn’t help but wonder for two years. During these two year I thought I could forget all about him. I don’t know how he found me but, he did.
When I heard his voice after two year all of the memories of the good times we had come back to me. Now we have started to talk to each other again. My heart is telling me to give him another chance but my mind is telling me not to give him another chance.
“ What should I do?”
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
i'm tried
no i mean i'm really tired he school has me going up stairs and down stair try to get my recoreds right
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