Sunday, June 20, 2010

Time for a change

People say that am not going to becoming anything in life. Guess what am going to prove you wrong. I want to let everybody who has any disability that you can becoming anything you want to.Never let anyone tell you different. Many of  us give in to the mentally of other people around us. Am here to tell you that you are in control of your own life. We must coming together as a disable community to get our voices heard. If we continue keeping our mouth close then people in the feature will have nothing to look up to. We need to stop living in a dream land and face reality. The smallest things can make the biggest different. Don't be scare to step out on your own faith. 


Michael Kowis said...

agreed i will be the first to go out and get my voice heard can you back me up please

Unknown said...

Well you definitely have the right mentality to prove those wrong. Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll accomplish your dreams and goals in no time!